2012年6月19日 星期二

攝影課-第一堂 就來個攝影概論吧!

2012.06.19 連線計畫-在巴拿馬看見拉達克 攝影專題正式展開!


1. 由上往下拍攝
攝/ Rubiel

2. 由下往上拍攝
攝/ Ronaldino

3. 從地上拍
攝/ Rubiel

4. 拍物件的影子
攝/ Edilson

5. 利用其他東西做照片的邊框
攝/ Rubiel

6. 特殊照片:跳躍照片與不同的姿勢與位置

攝/ Ronaldino

攝/ Rafael


2 則留言:

  1. Thanks for appreciating our work! This is a project of connecting children between India and Panama. We have two project of photography. Now, starting from Panama, we teach children how to take picture. After we finishing the course, we will print all the works of children, and send it to those children live in India. After this, we will start the project in India. They will do the same way as in Panama. We will keep on going! Thanks a lot!

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